Sprø Nordlænding

FASTOST Sprø Nordlænding Manufacturer: Den Sorte Gryte Ysteri & Gardsmat Type: Hard cheese Milk: Goat's milk Taste: Strong and salty with a parmesan-like consistency. Description: Sprø Nordlænding is a firm, white goat's cheese. Parmesan-like type, with a lot of aroma and a very tasty aftertaste. A popular cheese. Sprø Nordlænding won Super-Gold at the Cheese WC in Bergen 2018. Suitable for toppings on biscuits,…

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Myrdal Fjellost

Myrdal Fjellost

Myrdal Fjellost is a cow's milk cheese that has matured for a minimum of 9 months. Quality milk and plenty of time in perfect conditions give the cheese a mature round taste. Served on slices or with a glass of red wine. It is also very suitable as an ingredient in hot dishes or on hamburgers due to its intense flavor and good melting properties. The cheese received a gold medal in the World Cheese Championship 2018, and bronze in the World Cheese Championship 2019!

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Myrdal Kvit Geitost

Myrdal Kvit Goat cheese from the goat farm Myrdal in Tysnes is well known in Western Norway. Happy animals and quality milk result in a mild and pleasant goat's cheese. The consistency is soft and flexible. The cheese can be used for all kinds of dishes that require cheese. The cheese combines well with both sweet and sharp. Myrdal Kvit goat's cheese received the specialty label in 2018 for its unique taste.

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Myrdal geitost med trøffel

Myrdal geitost med trøffel

Myrdal white goat's cheese with Italian truffle, made in Tysnes in Western Norway, is a delicious cheese with a soft texture and a perfect balance between cheese and the wonderful truffle taste. The cheese tastes fantastic next to a glass of white wine, or melted on top of fresh pasta or steak.

The cheese received a gold medal in the World Cheese Championship 2018!

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Myrdal geitost med ramsløk

Geitost med ramsløk på fjøl

Two popular products combined in a perfect cheese.

The ancient Norwegian herb that grows in the forests on the west coast, combined with white goat's cheese, highlights all the flavors to the fullest.

Used on slices or biscuits, combined with a glass of red wine or juice.

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Myrdal Geitost med tang

Myrdal geitost med tang på fat

White goat's cheese with truffle tang.

Myrdal White goat cheese with seaweed:
The white goat cheese is marbled with truffle seaweed/pig seaweed doll
The cheese has a salty taste of the sea and a hint of truffle
It is great in combination with sides or beer.

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Myrdal Pepperost

Myrdal pepperost

Pepper cheese is a semi-solid cow's milk cheese with a mixture of different pepper varieties; green, black and cayenne pepper. A tasty cheese with a real pepper flavor for those who like a spicy cheese.

Also available as Pepper ball with wax on the crust in 500g size.

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Myrdal Ramsløkost

Myrdal Ramsløkost

Semi-hard cheese with spring onions. This gouda cheese with the ancient herb ramsløk has become a favorite with many of our customers. Chives are slightly milder than garlic but have a distinct taste that is liked by food lovers.

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