
Sæterost fra Brimi Sæter

FASTOST Sæterost Produsent: Brimi Sæter Type: Fastost Melk: Upasteurisert kumelk Smak: Mild og lett syrlig. Beskrivelse: Osten egner seg godt til smelting, og det er denne vi brukar på vår noko kjente spesialmeny på setra, «Skråpå-tå». Vellagret sæterost fekk finaleplass, supergold i VM i 2018 og er såleis ein av verdas beste oster! Lagra sæterost fekk…

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FAST CHEESE Skardfjell Producer: Bryn Gardsmeieri Type: Hard cheese Milk: Goat Flavour: Fresh and mild taste Description: Traditional gouda type, which has been cheesed for over 240 years at Setra before production was eventually moved down to the farm. Made from fresh goat's milk and matured at least 3 months before sale. Good on bread, as a gratin on oven dishes and on pizza.…

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Skardfjell karve

FAST CHEST Skardfjell caraway Producer: Bryn Gardsmeieri Type: Hard cheese Milk: Pasteurized goat's milk Flavour: Fresh and mild taste with a hint of caraway Description: Traditional cheese, which has been cheesed at Setra for over 240 years before production was moved down to the farm. Here we have added Norwegian caraway to the cheese, which gives it an exciting taste. Gorgeous…

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WHITE MOLD CHEESE Villroa Manufacturer: Bryn Gardsmeieri Type: White mold Milk: Pasteurized goat's milk Taste: Fresh and slightly sour taste of goat's milk Description: Camembert-type made in our farm dairy. Popular cheese, which has a wide range of uses. Can be roasted on the grill, or in the oven wrapped in foil, preferably with a little honey on top. On biscuits or bread food. As an addition to sauces, or on pizza.…

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WHITE MOLD CHEESE Ash Producer: Bryn Gardsmeieri Type: White mold Milk: Pasteurized goat's milk Taste: Exciting, mild and round taste. Description: Ash was created after some experimentation and a demand for more white mold cheeses. It is rolled in cheese ash and looks particularly good on a cheese plate with the black rim of ash with white mold around the cutting surface. Lovely on biscuits,…

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Ekte seter-geitost

Brun geitost fra Herland Osteprodusent

Traditional goat cheese - from Herland Seterdrift since 1950. Herland seterysta goat cheese is the same traditional and good real goat cheese we have been known for for many decades.

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Ferskosten Kvark

Vår ferskost er laga av rå mjølk, tilsatt gardens eigen kefirkultur. Osten er tilsatt omlag 0,6 % Himalayasalt. Mjølka er frå geit som får komme ut heile året, og går med kjea sine på dagtid. Vi mjølker dei kun om morgonen. Dei får ikkje kraftfôr, kun norsk korn som lokkemat. Om vinteren får geitene eigeprodusert og innkjøpt økologisk høy.

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Geitost frå Lygrepollen

Geitost fra Lygrepollen

Our cheese is made from milk from goats that is allowed to come out all year round. We do not feed them concentrate, but use some Norwegian grain as bait. The herd is grass and pasture fed. In winter, they get self-produced and purchased organic hay.

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