Game burger with brown cheese

Game burger with brown cheese

This juicy burger tastes like "venison" and must be tried!
Tip! - If you are going to make a lot of people, double the recipe and fry them on a griddle,
then you can warm the bread at the same time.

"Wild" burger with goat's cheese and juniper berries

(4 burgers)

300 g minced meat
100 g grated goat's cheese
6 pcs. Juniper berries

Put minced meat in a large bowl together with grated goat's cheese, crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper according to taste. Mix everything with your hands and form the dough into four balls, which you squeeze flat.

Put the burgers in the fridge until you are going to fry them.

Fry them on a frying pan on each side, until they are cooked through.

Serve them with homemade hamburger buns, crispy bacon slices,
ketchup, mustard, salad and sour cream.


Hamburger bread
about. 20 pcs.
7 dl skimmed milk, heated to 37 g
1 dl rapeseed oil
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 kg wheat flour
1 bag of dry yeast/ 50 g of yeast


Put all the ingredients in a baking bowl and knead the dough in a food processor, at least 5 minutes,
or by hand for 10 minutes.
Cover the baking bowl with plastic and let it rise until doubled in size, approx. 1 hour.
Put some flour on the baking table and pour out the dough.
Divide the dough into 20 equal parts.
Roll all the parts into balls.
Roll out the balls until they are approx. is 10 cm in diameter.

Place them on baking trays lined with baking paper, and let rise for at least 40 minutes.
Bake them in the middle of a preheated oven 200 g, for approx. 10 minutes, until golden.
Cool the loaves on a wire rack.
Hamburger buns are fine to freeze.