

White cheese made from pasteurized milk. Stored in the cellar for a minimum of 4 months. Månjøst is a dialect word from the Osen area and means moonlight.

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Sæterstad Kvit Geitost

Sæterstad Kvit Geitost

This is a firm, dry well-aged goat's cheese, 9 months and older. A slightly leaner type as parts of the milk are separated to have cream for our brown cheese. Often described as similar to Manchego and Parmesan by customers, due to how well aged it is.

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Norvegia Original

Norvegia Original

Norvegia® Original is stored for about 3 months before it finds its way to your fridge. The taste is mild, slightly sour and aromatic, and the cheese has small holes. Norvegia® Original is a classic as a topping on both bread and crispbread - preferably on its own, but also with ham, paprika or a delicious marmalade. Norvegia® has good melting properties and a flexible consistency that makes it easy to slice, grate or cut into cubes. Norvegia® is a flavor enhancer that adds a little something extra to both cold and hot dishes.

Norvegia® is a classic in Norwegian fridges, and Norway's most eaten cheese. Everyone has a relationship with the mild good taste of Norvegia®, and for the vast majority of us this is a good relationship that lasts a lifetime. Norvegia® Original has a mild and round taste that "everyone likes with everything" and is just as good on a slice of bread as it is with a delicious homemade pizza.

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TINE Taffel tomatost

TINE Taffel Tomatost is a processed cheese. The cheese has a sliceable consistency and a clear taste of tomato and paprika.

TINE Taffel Tomatost is perfect on a slice of bread or as a topping in a sandwich.

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Norsk Sveitser vellagret

TINE® Norsk Sveitser® Vellagret is a semi-firm white cheese that is produced in large wheels with a crust with large, round holes. It has matured to become fuller, more distinctive and full of flavor with a slightly sweet aroma. TINE® Norsk Sveitser® goes very well with bread. Try it in salads, on pizza, in a pie, on cheese sticks or grated on a tortilla. TINE® Norsk Sveitser® Vellagret can also be marinated.

TINE® Norsk Sveitser® Vellagret is made according to real traditional methods. Norwegian Switzerland's exciting history began as early as 1815, when Jacob Sverdrup founded Norway's first cheese factory in Vestfold. As a pioneer, he got Swiss cheesemakers to travel around and conduct training at the dairies in the noble craft. Osten Sveitser was popular with nobility and consuls with its combination of unique Norwegian milk and Swiss cheese expertise. Today we have a cheese with high quality and a distinctive taste. We call it "the original white cheese".

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Skarrbo Spesial

Skarrbo Gård

The cheese is made from colostrum from the farm's own cows of the Jarlsbergfe breed. The farm's own fermentation culture is used in the cheese, which gives the cheese its distinctive character and a complex flavor that becomes more prominent during storage. The cheese is stored for 6 – 12 months.

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Russetind fra Bomstad Gård

FAST CHEST Russetind Manufacturer: Bomstad Gård Type: Hard cheese Milk: Pasteurized goat's milk Storage time: Intermediate storage Taste: Rich with a good aftertaste. Description: The cheeses are made from day-fresh milk from our own goats without any additives. Milk quality and good animal welfare are important elements on the farm. Press cheeses of 1.5-2 kg with natural rind. Outlet: Own outlet, Eide Handel and Kvaløysletta. MORE PRODUCTS FROM BOMSTAD…

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Kalven fra Gimstad Gård Ysteri

FASTOST Kalven Producer: Gimstad Gård Type: Hard cheese Milk: Unpasteurized cow's milk Storage time: Young (3 months) Taste: A supple cheese, which is mild in taste. Same cheese as Svinøy, but matured for 3 months. Description: Both white and brown cheese are made at Gimstad Gård Ysteri. The white cheese comes in two varieties: The veal is ready after three months and…

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