
Fjellgeta fra Skansen Gård

Our variant of Feta: Fjellgeta 😊 Can be bought at Fiskehjørnet, together with our other cheeses.

Lightly seasoned salad cheese in oil without brine.

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Kvitost frå Skjerdal

Kvitost frå Skjerdal

White cheese from Skjerdal is a semi-hard cheese, made from fresh unpasteurized goat's milk.

We cheese after milking both morning and evening. The cheese is mixed with soap and pressed by hand in traditional, made cheese boxes (cheese forms) in various sizes from 1.5-3 kg. Traditionally, the cheese was unsalted and we still make a good portion of that type. In addition, we have a salty version and a version with added caraway.

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Brimost frå Sogn

Brunost frå Skjerdal

It is cooked on the whey that remains after curdling the white goat's cheese. Bri cheese was for a long time the main product on the surrounding farms and was the cheese known as "goat cheese".

Bri cheese is well suited for toppings on good bread, waffles and milk cakes.

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FAST CHEST `Jens´n' Manufacturer: Tveitakerring Type: Hard cheese Milk: Goat's milk Taste: A little sour, a little dry. Description: This is a semi-firm white goat's cheese that is produced in August/September/October. A 'manchego'-like cheese. Tastes best at room temperature with a glass of wine, beer or apple cider! Outlet: Gårdsbutikken and Reko-ringene. MORE PRODUCTS FROM TWEETAKJERRING Sorry, no matches for your search.…

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Mjuk kjerring

Mjuk kjerring fra Tveitakjerring - det vesle ysteriet på Tveit

FRESH KOST Soft curd Manufacturer: Tveita kerring Type: Fresh curd Milk: Goat's milk Taste: Soft and fresh. Description: You will never get tired of this one! Soft and fresh on your breakfast spoons, layered with honey and scrambled berries or on a pancake with honey and scrambled berries. Also goes well with salami or smoked salmon. The cheese won a silver medal at the NM cheese in...

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Trollkjerring fra Tveitakjerring - det vesle ysteriet på Tveit

FERSKOST Trollkjerring Produsent: Tveitakjerring Type: Ferskost Melk: Pasteurisert geitemelk Smak: Frisk, søtlig og kremet. Beskrivelse: Trollkjerring er en fersk ost blandet med tyttebærsyltetøy. Navnet er basert på en velkjent dessert – trollkrem. Passer godt i lag med spekemat eller som dessert. Utsalgssted: Gårdsbutikken og Reko-ringene.   FLERE PRODUKTER FRA TVEITAKJERRING Jens´n Mjuk kjerring Trollkjerring Tvedta Steikje-ost

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Salatost fra Tveitakjerring - det vesle ysteriet på Tveit

FERSKOST Tvedta Produsent: Tveitakjerring Type: Salatost Melk: Pasteurisert geitemelk Smak: Modna, rund og mild. Beskrivelse: Deilig salatost av geitmelk. Finnes på olje m/greske krydder og naturell på saltlake Utsalgssted: Gårdsbutikken og Reko-ringene.   FLERE PRODUKTER FRA TVEITAKJERRING Jens´n Mjuk kjerring Trollkjerring Tvedta Steikje-ost

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Steikje-ost fra Tveitakjerring

FRESH KOST Steikje cheese Manufacturer: Tveitakerring Type: Fresh cheese Milk: Pasteurized goat's milk Taste: Ripe, round and mild. Description: This is the favorite on the REKO ring and here in the house. Put it on good bread or foccacia with GOOD olive oil, ground pepper and tomatoes. Fry in a pan or on the grill. Outlet: Gårdsbutikken and Reko-ringene. MORE PRODUCTS FROM TWEITAKJERRING Jens'n Mjuk...

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Kandal Ysteri

Kandalosten is a rich, brown goat's cheese made with goat's milk from our own goats.

All the processes take place here on the farm. The milk comes from our own goats, and everything from milking, separation, milking and cooking is done in the traditional way. We have converted an old power plant building into production premises.

Close to our cheese factory is Kandal's most beautiful waterfall, and therefore we have also set up the Ysteriparken, so that you can also enjoy the view, but also experience the animals and observe production, be close to what happens here with us.

When the cooking is finished, the cheese is stirred cold, then it is put into molds and cooled. Finished cheese is cut into pieces of one kilo and 500 grams. The cheese is then packed, or packaged as it is also called.

In the summer we also have Støylsost, then the goats go on the pasture all summer and the diversity of the pasture has an effect on the milk.

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