Hitra Gårdsmat
Hitra Gårdsmat
Hitra Gårdsmat is located on a small island outside Hitra called Helgebostadøya, where we produce organic, unpasteurized cheese from cow's milk. Animal welfare is something we have a great focus on, all our animals must be happy.
With us, they have their own beds to lie in, scratching brushes that brush them, and best of all – lots of human contact. The animals can go outside all year round if they want to and the weather allows it. The heifers (female cows that have not had calves yet) graze on the whole island during the season. Happy cows - a beautiful sight.
We process the milk into cheese, we have seven different cheeses: Hitra Hvit, Kristines myke, Ung Grotteost, Grotteost, Ekstra Lagret Grotteost, Kongeost and Hitra Blå.
Ostene har fått mange utmerkelser, blant annet vant Hitra blå årets meieriprodukt under Trøndersk matfestival i 2021, ekstra lagret Grotteost ble årets økologiske produkt under Matfestivalen i 2020. Det ble tre VM gull i 2018 på Ung Grotte, Grotteost og Ekstra lagret Grotteost. NM Gull har det blitt mange av, til og med til topps under Det Norske Måltid for noen år tilbake.
Hitra Gårdsmat:
Address: Helgebostadveien 66, 7243 Kvenvær
Telephone: 99557966
Email: hitragaardsmatmona@gmail.com
Website: http://hitragaardsmat.no
Farm shop: Yes
Open: Summer every day from 10am-3pm, out of season by appointment