Holt Gård
Holt Gård
Roar Lefsaker is the farmer on the farm. He grew up here, and took over the operation in 1990. He is educated in agriculture and pedagogy, and has a bachelor's degree in storytelling and communication. Rakel Skjerve is a farmer's wife, from the strila land north of Bergen. She is a landscape architect, with education also in shaping, crafts and agriculture.
For almost 30 years, Holt Gård has worked hard to realize the ideal of a versatile organic farm. The goal is that we, as creative people, should take care of and stimulate life in and on the earth. They bring fresh milk from their own barn to the farm dairy, where they make yoghurt, sour milk, ice cream and cheese. Fresh and gently processed milk produces good and tasty products.
Holt Gård:
Address: Grøumveien 229
3176 Undrumsdal
Telephone: 928 128 94
Email: post@holtgard.no
Website: www.holtgard.no
Farm shop: Yes