The farm and setra have long traditions. Discoveries have been made on the farm dating back to the Viking Age, but in the literature the farm is described back to the year 1328. Pultosten has been produced on the farm and setra and elsewhere in our part of the country as far back in time as can be remembered.
We produce our cheese at Setra and this only happens for about 3 months in the summer. Our milk comes from our own Telemark cows, an old Norwegian breed that is endangered and red-listed. The milk from the Telemark cow has very good cheese properties, which is explained by their ability to use the varied forest pasture and their genetic origin. Pultosten is produced from sour skimmed milk, traditionally seasoned with caraway. We also have variants with other spices.

Address: Drykkjeåvegen 569
Telephone: +47 91180314
Farm sale: Wednesdays and Sundays, or by appointment from 1 June to 20 September