Katharina Sandberg Lund
Katharina Sandberg Lund
Katharina Sandberg Lund enthusiastically communicates everything to do with cheese. Trained waiter with experience from Restaurant D'Artagnan, A Touch of France and Victor. Has led the Norwegian and Oslo Waitress Guilds; organized and was a judge in the OsloCup for apprentice waiters and for a number of years was responsible for the largest cheese counters in the ICA chain. Has for the past seven years been a manager in the OsteAkademiet, at OsteCompagniet, a subsidiary of TINE. The OsteAkademiet holds cheese courses for the grocery trade all over the country. Has also been a judge during the NM in Norwegian Gardsost for the last two years.
· What is it like to be a judge in the World Cheese Championship, one of the most important competitions for cheese in the world? - It is a great honor to be a judge. I look forward to experiencing delicious cheese from all over the world together with other cheese lovers. In addition, I expect to gain even more knowledge about cheese.
- What could be the value of the Cheese WC being held in Norway? - That more people will open their eyes to the many wonderful Norwegian cheeses that are loved throughout the country.
- How can we be inspired to taste new Norwegian cheeses? - Today, producers are good at presenting themselves at various markets and festivals. The grocery store must become even better at setting aside time for the cheese counter so that customers can see and taste all that Norway has to offer.
- What is your best cheese memory? - It is difficult to choose a cheese memory. My mother caught me in the pantry when I was two years old, then I sat and mashed myself with Roquefort. I have tasted an 11-year-old Norvegia, eaten fermented ricotta at a farm sister's in Italy and sniffed and tasted my way through many dairies in Norway. All are good memories.
- What is your best serving tip for cheese? - It doesn't have to be so complicated. Find a few good, room temperature cheeses and use what you have in the cupboard; toast some bread, find jam or cured meats, nuts or fruit - then you're on your way.