Jærosten Jemima


Voll Ysteri is a small cheese factory on Jæren that makes Jærosten. We were the first cheese factory to receive approval from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to make unpasteurised cheese, and since 2001 have worked to ensure that more and more people get a taste for good cheese, and see the many advantages of unpasteurised cheese.

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Voll Ysteri

Voll Ysteri became the first dairy in Norway to receive permission to produce unpasteurised cheese. The building itself is from 1901 and is the first cooperative dairy in Jæren. The lovely cheese, Jærosten, is made here.

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Jan Arne's cheese tips

Dommer i NM i ost

Grate Parmesan cheese. Add a little turmeric for nice color. Place small piles of grated cheese on baking paper and bake at 180'C for about 15 minutes until the cheeses are flattened and golden. Perfect parmesan chips, or you can
crush them and use as a seasoning for everything from salads to steak dinners.

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