
MODNA KREMOST Oskepott Produsent: Slettevollen gardsysteri Type: Modna kremost Melk: Kumelk Smak: Mild med god skarphet etter temperering Beskrivelse: Serveringstemperatur ca 12 grader. Vi anbefaler «Tre nøtter til Oskepott» – rista hasselnøtter passer godt til denne osten. Utsalgssted: Reko-ringen FLERE PRODUKTER FRA SLETTEVOLLEN GARDSYSTERI Oskepott Slettevollen salatost Slettevollen steikeost

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Hardanger steikeost


FRESH KOST Hardanger Steikeost Manufacturer: Hardanger Bygdeysteri Type: Fresh cheese Milk: Cow's milk Taste: Mild, sour taste Description: Hardanger steikeost is inspired by the Cypriot cheese halloumi. Cut into slices, feel free to add flavor as desired and fry or grill. Goes well with burgers, salads, tapas and woks. The cheese is rich in protein and is often used as an alternative to…

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Sognakvitost Mellomlagra

Sognakvitost fra Undredal Stølsysteri

The parish kvitosten is a semi-solid white goat's cheese made from freshly strained (unpasteurized) goat's milk, acid culture and rennet.

This cheese represents a tradition that is common to the inner parishes. That's why we call our unsalted kvitost variant Sognakvitost. Sognakvit cheese was, and is, used in the daily diet for dinner and salty food, especially by the older sogs.

The cheese is available in three degrees of maturity: new age (2-3 months), medium age (3-6 months) and well age (6-12 months). It should be kept cool, well wrapped or under a cheesecloth. Temperate before the meal.

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Store Velten

Store Velten fra Rueslåtten Ysteri

The StoreVelten is a large, solid, unpasteurized one
aged cheese made from pure, raw cow's milk. The StoreVelten is sold as a complete wheel of 15 kilos. The taste is mild and fine and becomes stronger with long-term storage. He has been stored for at least six months.

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St. Paul

St. paul fra Rueslåtten Ysteri

St. Pål is similar to StoreVelten, made with equal parts cow's and goat's milk. The goat's milk from Øvrejorde makes St. Pål stronger in taste and also causes him to mature a little faster. He has been stored for at least six months.

How about tearing a little St. Pål and i
Sunday omelette?

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Made in our own cheese factory using organic milk from Grøndalen Gård. This cheese is perfect to have over salad, pasta or spread on a slice of bread. Beautiful alone or together with other accessories. It is the very essence of the cream in Burrata

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Winther Ysteri

Snøball mozzarella is a fresh cheese made at our cheese factory in Oslo. We have a very special love for cheese and the raw material milk.

Our dairy manager Siri Helen Winther has worked with Norwegian raw material producers throughout her professional career and in recent years she has been a judge for the World Cheese Award, also called the World Cheese Championship.

We make our cheeses on organic unpasteurized milk from Grøndalen Gård.

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Kvitost frå Skjerdal

Kvitost frå Skjerdal

White cheese from Skjerdal is a semi-hard cheese, made from fresh unpasteurized goat's milk.

We cheese after milking both morning and evening. The cheese is mixed with soap and pressed by hand in traditional, made cheese boxes (cheese forms) in various sizes from 1.5-3 kg. Traditionally, the cheese was unsalted and we still make a good portion of that type. In addition, we have a salty version and a version with added caraway.

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Mor Åse

FASTOST Mor Åse Producer: Avdem Gardsysteri Type: Rødkitt Milk: Unpasteurized cow's milk Taste: Mild and round taste, flexible in texture. Description: The cheese is inspired by French soft cheeses. The idea for "Mor Åse" came to farmer and cheese maker Sigurd during a cheese course in France some eighteen years ago. The name is partly taken from Ibsen's Peer Gynt, but is also named...

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