Veitastrond Gardsysteri

Veitastrond Gardsysteri produces goat's cheese according to the recipe of the great-grandfather, and as we have done for generations.

Today, it is run by Beate Flugheim Neset. She is the third generation to produce cheese for sale and took over in 2023. This year, the around 120 goats will be allowed to graze at Vårstølen.

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The main farm and the mountain farm have long traditions. On the main farm, archaeological finds have been made that date back to the Viking Age,

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Krogedal ysteri

The farm is located in beautiful nature in western Norway a little up in the mountains east of Sandnes, is run as an ordinary farm for the area with milk production and sheep farming.

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Alm Gard ysteri

Guus and Laurien, who moved from the Netherlands to Norway in 2004, bought a small farm in Feios. There, they started with the production of organic ice cream with milk from their Telemark cows and fruit from the farm. In 2017, a new ice cream factory was built in the farmyard.

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Gårdssysleriet is a family farm at Ytre Hægeland Gård in Øvrebø that makes handcrafted products using milk from its own dairy cows. All the products we sell are pure natural dairy products handmade by me, Cathinka Jerkø. Me and my husband, Kjell Øyvind Greibesland, run his family farm together.

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Den Sorte Gryte Ysteri

Den Sorte Gryte Ysteri ligger i Lødingen Vestbygd, her var det geitost-produksjon for salg helt fram til 1959 på nabogården. Gammelt ysteutstyr fikk vi overta, det står idag godt bevart på Gårds restauranten vår, til glede for gjestene.

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Uppistog Gard

Uppistog Gard Uppistog farm is located in the middle of Setesdalen. We have 30 dairy goats that maintain a selected old cultural landscape.

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YsteLyst Håndverskysteri

We are located in Vestre Gausdal, on a farm called Nordre Berg. We live here with a herd of 45 dairy goats plus young goats and male goats. The farm is run organically, which means that we do everything possible to ensure that the animals thrive, eat high quality food, and can live out their natural behaviour.

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