Posts Tagged ‘ost fra ysteri pultostkoppen’
ysteri PULTOSTKOPPEN was established in 2014 after a few years of training, trial and error and finally a good feeling that this is life's work. From the start, it was clear that table cheese was the main product, that it should be hand-made in as many stages as possible and that the soured, skimmed milk should be heated on a wood stove. We don't have our own cows, but have been lucky enough to buy milk from farms in Jevnaker and can collect it at the same time as they are milking, i.e. the milk is as fresh as possible. On the third day, the thick milk is slowly (approx. 5-6 hours) heated to 60 degrees. Then the curd has settled like a lid over the whey and it is easy to pick it up, collect it in a cloth and let the whey drain out. With us, we put the curd under pressure overnight and on day 5 we divide the curd into small pieces. Fermentation then follows as the curd develops heat and you have to watch it and stir it several times a day. If everything goes well and the room temperature is right, it can take 2-3 days. To stop the fermentation, salt is added and the cheese must be allowed to mature in a slightly colder environment. How long it should mature is up to individual taste. Our table cheese is gritty. Both consistency, color and taste change with age. When we mark with a date, it may be a taste for most people, but there are also those who want cheeses that are well past their date. From time to time we have Pultost Stored for sale, then it is about 4 months old.
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