Posts Tagged ‘Norsk Sveitser vellagret’
Norsk Sveitser vellagret
TINE® Norsk Sveitser® Vellagret is a semi-firm white cheese that is produced in large wheels with a crust with large, round holes. It has matured to become fuller, more distinctive and full of flavor with a slightly sweet aroma. TINE® Norsk Sveitser® goes very well with bread. Try it in salads, on pizza, in a pie, on cheese sticks or grated on a tortilla. TINE® Norsk Sveitser® Vellagret can also be marinated.
TINE® Norsk Sveitser® Vellagret is made according to real traditional methods. Norwegian Switzerland's exciting history began as early as 1815, when Jacob Sverdrup founded Norway's first cheese factory in Vestfold. As a pioneer, he got Swiss cheesemakers to travel around and conduct training at the dairies in the noble craft. Osten Sveitser was popular with nobility and consuls with its combination of unique Norwegian milk and Swiss cheese expertise. Today we have a cheese with high quality and a distinctive taste. We call it "the original white cheese".
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