Posts Tagged ‘kremost’
This cheese originates from the mountains of Slovakia where it was made of milk from hand-milked goats. We make it using cow's milk.
Read the whole >>Kremost Naturell og med Provenceurter
A fresh cheese made from fresh unpasteurized goat's milk. Lightly salted. natural or with spices from Aukrust Gard and Urteri. This cheese is absolutely lovely as a desert cheese with fresh berries or a good jam! Or classic with walnuts and honey!
Read the whole >>Lilleblomst
A matured cream cheese made from newly strained unpasteurised goat's milk. A cheese that should only be tasted! Fresh and exciting in taste. Delivered mild or slightly more mature for those who like it!
Read the whole >>Geitryggen
The spreadable cheese is wonderful on pizza, baked potato, on crackers on the cheese platter or on flatbread. A wonderful flavor bomb!
Read the whole >>Prosten
Prosten is a mature goat's milk cream cheese, what Norwegians like to call chevre. This is made all year round, both from stølsmjøl and winter milk. The provost had the name Presten earlier, after the former (old) priest in Ostebygda, who has now become Provost. He is fond of cooking and very enthusiastic about cheese, and he likes to preach the good news about local cheese making and locally produced cheese.
How about heating the whole cheese in the oven at 200 degrees for 4 minutes? Served with a sweet accompaniment.
Read the whole >>Salad cheese
The salad cheese is our own Norwegian version of feta cheese, made from organic cow's milk. The cheese is matured in brine, which makes the cheese porous and rich in flavor, but at the same time mild. We make a natural salad cheese in blocks, and a diced salad cheese that is mixed in the organic rapeseed oil RO together with our own spice mix. The salad cheese is perfect in salads, on the tapas table or just as a snack.
Read the whole >>Kremost
FRESKOST Cream cheese Manufacturer: Rygge Meieri Type: Fresh cheese Milk: Pasteurized cow's milk Flavour: Fresh, sour and mild cream cheese that is available naturally or with the flavor of spring onions. Description: We have three types of cream cheese, all of which are rich in taste, and have a wonderful velvety texture. Natural cream cheese has a clean and round taste, while being acidic...
Read the whole >>Åmnes fresh cheese
Our fresh food is produced in natural flavors and with spring onions. Gommen is produced according to the farm's traditional recipe. It is made from raw milk (unpasteurized) and has a sweet taste.
Read the whole >>Mjuk kjerring
FRESH KOST Soft curd Manufacturer: Tveita kerring Type: Fresh curd Milk: Goat's milk Taste: Soft and fresh. Description: You will never get tired of this one! Soft and fresh on your breakfast spoons, layered with honey and scrambled berries or on a pancake with honey and scrambled berries. Also goes well with salami or smoked salmon. The cheese won a silver medal at the NM cheese in...
Read the whole >>Troms-gjeta
FRESH KOST Troms-gjeta Producer: Bomstad Gård Type: Fresh food Storage time: Fresh/unripe Milk: Pasteurized goat's milk Flavour: Mild with a taste of garlic, pink pepper and dried parsley. Description: The cheeses are made from day-fresh milk from our own goats without any additives. Milk quality and good animal welfare are important elements on the farm. Cut the cheese into cubes and add garlic, rose pepper and dried parsley. Marinate…
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