Pascale Baudonnel
Around 230 international and national judges will judge more than 3,000 cheeses from all over the world. We have had a quick chat with some of the Norwegian judges. Meet Pascale Baudonnel, born and raised at a small cheese factory for raw, fresh cow's milk in the mountains of Southern France, near Roquefort (sheep's cheese). She learned to make white and brown goat's cheese from Ingebjørg Borlaug, farm owner in Undredal before the road and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority got there. Has fought for many years for the right to cheese the milk raw. Studied cheese technology in Surgères in France as an adult. Has owned and run a farm with goats and cheese making of white and brown cheese for 30 years. Has been an employee at Undredal stølsysteri for 17 years. She has taught at Sogn Jord og Hagebrukskule on a course in cheese making of raw milk since the year 2000. Is the director of cheese making for competence nava and Norsk Gardsost. Took the initiative to found Norsk Gardsost in 1997. Has been prime mover and general manager of Norsk Gardsost for 10 years. Organized the first National Farm Cheese Exhibition in 2000. Makes own cheese all summer from milk from 3 goats and a sheep. -What is it like to be a judge in the World Cheese Championship, one of the most important competitions for cheese in the world? - It's intense, everything goes so fast. Exciting with the panel of judges from all over the world. But this is one of the most important. It's England's World Cup. France also has its... - What could be the value of the Cheese WC being held in Norway? - Focus on cheese quality and quality cheese. Folkefest, I hope it will be in Norway, Norway is good at that. (In London there was an internal geek party). - How can we be inspired to taste new Norwegian cheeses? Make them more visible and accessible. - What is your best cheese memory? - Oh, there are many! But the memory of the first time I tasted table cheese on the settervollen of Bjørg Trønnes in Østerdalen, on flat bread with good butter is one of the best. Was excited and had to have more. - What is your best serving tip for cheese? Collect different cheeses with soul from several places and invite good friends to a tasting evening where each cheese is preferably presented with pictures of the animals and people behind the cheese. Taste them in layers with good bread, butter and a few different wines. Share the taste experience. Least possible fancy stuff for me. The cheese and cheese background in the centre. Photographer: David Underdal