

Small-scale cheese workshop established in 2013 by Andrea Maggioni, originally from Milan, Italy. Andrea got his cheese education from northern Italy and has worked at a dairy in Puglia in southern Italy. He has brought with him the best recipes from Mimmo, a local cheesemaker in Oria (Manduria), and makes cheese by hand according to old Italian traditions, with Norwegian milk.

Ostene er helt uten konserveringsmidler eller unødvendige tilsetningsstoffer, melken er helten og får spille hovedrollen på Osteverkstedet. Sørlandsk Mozzarella bader for eksempel bare i rent Lillesandsvann.

Osteverkstedet mainly focuses on producing fresh Italian cheeses. We do not produce large volumes, which makes our production flexible, and we can produce cheese on request.

Vi yster ikke store volum, dette gjør produksjonen fleksibel og det kan ystes ut ifra etterspørsel. For å skåne naturen, bruker vi så lite emballasje som mulig.

Ysteriet ble startet i en oppusset verkstedshall i en nedlagt bensinstasjon, navnet kom derfor av seg selv!

Southern Norwegian milk has a lot of flavour, and the milk comes from cows who live at Johan Isak Tveit’s farm.

The cheeses are never exactly the same, as the milk changes with the seasons. The size and shape of Sørlandsk Mozzarella cheeses can and will vary slightly because they are handmade.


The cheese workshop:

Address: Steindalsveien 90, 4790 Lillesand

E-mail: info@osteverkstedet.no
Website: http://www.osteverkstedet.no

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