Laila Skorge
Laila Skorge

We spoke to Laila Skorge before the Cheese WC in Bergen 2018 when she was to be a judge. Here's what she said then. Laila Skorge is educated at the University of Hospitality in Stavanger with a diploma at Vin WSET.
- What is it like to be a judge in the World Cheese Championship, one of the most important competitions for cheese in the world?
- With pride and great humility. A craft subject for which I have great respect.
-What could be the value of the Cheese WC being held in Norway? - Will help strengthen our position internationally as a country with good raw materials and as a cheese-making nation. Norway has always noted itself as a great and varied cheese country, something that will continue and contribute to enriching our food plate and food production in the future. Important for our identity and history.
- How can we be inspired to taste new Norwegian cheeses? - Hear the stories and be shown the diversity. Important craftsmanship for our food identity.
- What is your best cheese memory? - Not sure if it is the best memory in terms of taste, but definitely one of the best food memories I have from my childhood: In the kitchen with my grandfather. I was sitting on the kitchen counter dangling my legs and my grandfather was standing next to me with a packed lunch in his hands. Lunch box wrapped in food paper and twine. He wanted to show me something very special, he said. He had it sent to him from the city (the city referred to the older Bergen i Florø when I was growing up). "Now you'll have a taste," he says with a twinkle in his eyes. He unwrapped the food paper and out came a white speckled green and blue cheese-like thing. I wrinkled my nose and asked what it was. "This is real Roquefort!" his eyes were filled with joy and excitement. In silence he made two slices of rye bread with Roquefort and pear. We sat down at the kitchen table and ate roquefort with devotion together.
- What is your best serving tip for cheese?
- I love cheese and like cheese best in its simplicity; alone with warm sourdough bread on the side.