Hardanger Bygdeysteri
Hardanger Bygdeysteri
Hardanger Bygdeysteri is a newly established dairy in Øystese, owned and run by local farmers. Dairy farmers from 13 farms established their own business in the former dairy in Øystese when TINE stopped their production in Hardanger. 131 years of dairy history in our villages is allowed to continue.
We had a wish to make great cheese and promote the work of farmers. We started with a large venue, a huge cheese making machine, but no cheese. The venue has been transformed into a wonderful dairy. One of the farmers has taken a cheesemaking course, he learns fast and makes delicious cheese! Some of us sell products at markets, some organize and plan, and others take photos. In this way, we benefit from a variety of expertise among the farmers.
Hardanger Bygdeysteri
Address: Sjusetevegen 14, 5610 Øystese
Telephone: +47 901 52 038
E-mail: post@hardangerbygdeysteri.no
Farm shop: Yes