modna kremost
MODNA KREMOST Oskepott Produsent: Slettevollen gardsysteri Type: Modna kremost Melk: Kumelk Smak: Mild med god skarphet etter temperering Beskrivelse: Serveringstemperatur ca 12 grader. Vi anbefaler «Tre nøtter til Oskepott» – rista hasselnøtter passer godt til denne osten. Utsalgssted: Reko-ringen FLERE PRODUKTER FRA SLETTEVOLLEN GARDSYSTERI Oskepott Slettevollen salatost Slettevollen steikeost
Read the whole >>Lilleblomst
A matured cream cheese made from newly strained unpasteurised goat's milk. A cheese that should only be tasted! Fresh and exciting in taste. Delivered mild or slightly more mature for those who like it!
Read the whole >>Prosten
Prosten is a mature goat's milk cream cheese, what Norwegians like to call chevre. This is made all year round, both from stølsmjøl and winter milk. The provost had the name Presten earlier, after the former (old) priest in Ostebygda, who has now become Provost. He is fond of cooking and very enthusiastic about cheese, and he likes to preach the good news about local cheese making and locally produced cheese.
How about heating the whole cheese in the oven at 200 degrees for 4 minutes? Served with a sweet accompaniment.
Read the whole >>Cubed cheese
The cube cheese made from goat's milk is a mature cream cheese, which is matured with milk mushrooms. This type of cheese is often called chevre. The cheese won a bronze medal in the World Cheese Championship in 2018. The wooden barrels on which Kubbeostane rests are made in collaboration with Vinn Hallingdal. The trefjølen are a part of the local value creation. Important for the cheese, the farmer and the environment.
What about cutting a good slice and heating it for a couple of minutes in the oven, and serving with blackcurrant syrup and some hazelnuts dipped in hot sugar?
Read the whole >>Sommersnø
Sommersnø is a fresh chevre type, matured with milk mushrooms.
Read the whole >>Rosalita
This is a matured fresh cheese that won WC gold in 2018. Very common type of cheese in France, where it is called Lactic cheese. In Norway, Norsk Gardsost has decided that this type of cheese will be called KREMOST. Rosalita is best enjoyed with cheese and wine. And it's lovely on homemade crusty bread with a piece of pear or grape. It goes perfectly well with other flavors on a cold table. Or it can be melted with honey and walnuts on top
Read the whole >>Yme
Ym is a soft cream cheese made from day-fresh raw milk. Matured for 10-14 days. Yme is matured with a delicate layer of milk fungus, a cheese ripener naturally found in raw milk. We call it a fresh cheese, even though it has a short ripening period. Each cheese weighs 130g.
Read the whole >>Strømmen chevre
The stream Chevre
A fresh cheese "ripened" with milk mushrooms. Strømmen chevre won gold during the NM in cheese in 2019. Chevre can be used on a slice of bread or biscuits, it is good with honey on it, or use it in the salad, grilled, in sauces or au gratin.
Chevre warmed in the oven and served with mullets as a dessert is lovely.
Read the whole >>Dronningberget
The cheese is made from fresh cow's milk and matured for at least ten days with milk mushrooms, before it is packed and ready for sale.
Read the whole >>Pepperknoll Hadelandstrøffel
Our exclusive flavor bomb!
Pepperknoll is a soured fresh cheese that is rolled in ground pepper and then dried for 3-4 weeks. The appearance and area of use for the cheese is unmistakably similar to a black truffle. The cheese comes with a grater and is grated over dishes instead of boring parmesan or sloppy Italian truffle! Because the cheese is dried, it can be stored at room temperature on the kitchen counter within arm's length when cooking. This means that you can turn around and grate a little as soon as you feel that something you are making could use a fresh acidity and a touch of pepper. Try it on Vitello tonnato, pasta, pizza or whatever you want. We roll tubers for hard life a day so that everyone will get. Note: We do not recommend storing the Pepper tuber in the fridge due to the risk of condensation which in turn can lead to mould.