Pizza with 4 cheeses

pizza på et fat

A really tasty pizza with four different Norwegian cheeses. You can find the recipe for this delicious pizza and more recipes with Norwegian cheese here at

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Soft cake with brown cheese

Bløtkake med brunost

Photo: Ane Nordvik Hasselberg, Gry Nordvik Karlsen. Bløtkaken with brown cheese The bløtkaken for the big occasions! Soft cake with brown cheese and lingonberries Cake base: (26 cm diameter) 6 eggs 150 g sugar 180 g wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Beat eggs and sugar to a thick, light egg mixture. Weigh out the flour and sift the flour and baking powder. Turn it over…

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Brown cheese pizza


Brown cheese pizza Ingredients: 3 dl milk 50 g dairy butter 25 g yeast 60 g sugar 1 teaspoon cardamom 0.5 teaspoon salt 500 g wheat flour 2 x 100 g sliced brown cheese glaze of water and caster sugar 4 tablespoons chopped almonds Melt the butter in a saucepan and pour in the milk. Let it be finger warm.…

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Game burger with brown cheese

Hamburger med brunost

Game burger with brown cheese This juicy burger tastes like "game meat" and must be tried! Tip! - If you are going to make a lot of people, double the recipe and fry them on a griddle, then you can heat the breads at the same time. "Wild" burger with goat cheese and juniper berries (4 burgers) 300 g minced meat 100 g grated goat cheese 6 pcs. Juniper berries Salt Pepper Have minced meat…

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Bruno risotto

Brunostrisotto Do you want a new taste experience with risotto? A risotto can be good both as a side dish and as a dish in itself. Try with slightly different ingredients, risotto with brown cheese, and you have a completely new taste experience. Remember risotto must be served freshly made! It is better that the guests wait for the risotto, than that the risotto waits…

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Bruno's Taco

Taco med brunost

Brunosttaco Fredagstaco er fast på menyen i mange hjem. Det beste vi kan håpe på er kanskje å tilsette litt nye og spennende ingredienser for varisasjon. Vi har utrolig mange spennende oster. Hvorfor ikke prøve med cheddar eller brunost på fredagstacoen? I denne oppskriften fra Brunostboka er flere av de tradisjonelle ingrediensene byttet ut.  …

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Cheddar salad

Cheddarsalat fra Thorbjørnrud Ysteri

Cheddar salad Photo: Josefin Linder Spring salad with asparagus, pearl potatoes, truffle salami and cheddar 4 people 25 min You need: 1 box of pearl potatoes from Bjertnæs og Hoel 1 bunch of asparagus from Hvasser Asparagus ½ Jåla salami from Ask 100 grams of cheddar from Thorbjørnrud ysteri 65 grams of salad Approx. 10 pcs. radishes 1 handful of fresh herbs such as basil, thyme...

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