Brunost konfektkake
Brunost konfektkake Ingredienser BUNN 125g Smør 175g Sukker 20g Kakaopulver 1ts Bakepulver 1ts Vaniljesukker 1ts Salt 25g Rømme 250g Manjari 64% (eller vanlig kokesjokolade) 2 stk Egg BRUNOST GANACHE 250g Fløte 275g Caramelia (eller hvit sjokolade) 150g Brunost, revet 4pl Gelatine Salt MANJARI GANASJ 250g Fløte 275g Manjari 64% 3stk Gelatine 50g Sukker…
Read the whole >>Fikenmarmelade
Fikenmarmelade kan du lage både av ferske og tørkede fikener. Vår marmelade er laget av ferske, og smaker himmelsk f.eks. til ostefatet eller som vanlig pålegg til brødskiva.
Read the whole >>Klementinmarmelade
Klementinmarmelade Mange forbinder den lille, søte sitrusfrukten med jul. Grunnen henger sammen med at når klementinene først kom til Norge på begynnelsen av 1960- tallet, ble de solgt rundt juletider siden det er da de smaker aller best. Fyll kjøkkenet med gode dufter og lag deg en klementinmarmelade som et kjempegodt tilbehør til ost.…
Read the whole >>Cheesecake
Recipe for cheesecake made from fresh cheese and soft cheese with mullet by farm team chef Mette Julius Evensen, Farm team chef 2022-23
Read the whole >>Lamb chops with brown cheese and herbs
Nevada Berg's recipe for lamb chops with brown cheese and herbs
Read the whole >>Truffles with Christmas brown cheese:
Simple and good: Truffles with Christmas brown cheese.
Read the whole >>White chocolate confection with Christmas brown cheese cream
Make simple white chocolate confections with Christmas brown cheese cream
(approx. 36 pieces of confectionery)
Warm sandwich with cured ham and salami, onion and avocado
This warm sandwich can just as well be made on the fire on the grill as in the oven. Great as a snack!
Read the whole >>Pizza Bianco with Norwegian apples and caramelized walnuts
White pizza, or pizza bianca, may not be as well known as the traditional tomato sauce pizza, but it is at least as good.
Read the whole >>Cauliflower and cured ham gratin
This can be prepared the day before and fried when you get home hungry from work. Feel free to serve good wholemeal bread on the side.
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