Brown cheese in Korea

Heidal cheese on an Asian table.

The Koreans have opened their eyes to the beautiful brown cheese from Heidal. Not as a topping on a slice of bread, but as a flavor enhancer and for baking. The cheese, which turned 100 years old last year, has become a trend among Soul's foodies.

Brown cheese Heidal 1
Heidal Brown Cheese 2

- We are extremely proud to have been approved as exporters to Korea, assures Hege Krukhaug, who is the general manager. -The fact that our cheese was selected is like a little adventure. So far it has been a loss making enterprise, but it has been a crazy fun and educational journey to be part of, she assures.

A formal meeting

It began with a direct inquiry from Innovation Norway in South Korea. A food importer had discovered Heidal cheese online.
The company Daehan Flour Mills now wanted to investigate the possibility of a collaboration.
- We were both excited and nervous when we had the first team meeting with Korea, Krukhaug says - It was an unfamiliar situation for us and everything took place in a very formal tone.

Heidal korea

Circumstantial process

Six months later, the first shipment of samples was on its way and now, two years later, exactly the third shipment of Heidal's cheese has been delivered.
- The Koreans' fascination with cheese lies both in the taste, the culture and the shape, she says. - Brunosten has become a popular ingredient in pastries and as a flavoring agent in food.
Although this has so far been a loss-making enterprise for us, we are still happy that they chose us and the cooperation it has given us. For all case processing around exports, it has been both time-consuming and instructive. There is a lot that needs to be done, and a lot of papers to translate. We now have a great deal of expertise when it comes to exporting food to other countries.
Of course, it would also have been funny if Norwegians were inspired by the Koreans' usage. Because brown cheese's sweet and salty taste goes well with so much more than just a sturdy slice of bread.

Heidal Ysteri

Heidal Ysteri

Ysterivegen 2b

2676 Heidal

Phone 61234140

Open bakery and sales all year round. (Check FB for opening hours)

Byline: Trude Henrichsen